The castle of Rive d’Arcano (Rives d' Arcjan): The monumental complex is the best conserved of the entire region. It maintains the architectonic and decorative “stratification”, that allows to observe the Romanesque mullioned windows of the top storey and the decorations in frescoes of the lunch room, painted in the eighteenth century by Andrea Urbani from Padua.
Distance from Lignano 61 km., about 1 hour and 5 minutes by car.
Zamok Rive d’Arkano (Rives d ' Arcjan): ogromnoe stroenie, odno iz samih horosho sohranivshihsya na territorii etogo regiona. Zamok okruzhon visokoi stenoi s mnogochislennimi resimi bashenkami, za kotroi sohranilas tardoromanovskaya arhitektura. V gostinnoi zamka sohranilis freski, vipolnenie v 18 veke paduantsem Andrea Urbani
Nahoditsya v 61 km ot Lignano, 1 chas i 5 minut puteschestviya na mashine.