The Castle of Colloredo di Monte Albano: one of more celebrated (it was for some time residence of Ippolito Nievo) and better conserved - until the earthquake of 1976 - of the entire Friuli. The complex was constituted from a series of buildings, which were erected since the fifteen century. After the earthquake the restoration of the tower and the west wing has been concluded, while all the structures of the east wing remain to the state of ruin and unfortunately have been recovered only a minimal part of the stuccoes and frescoes, produced by Giovanni da Udine, famous painter and decorator, student of Raffaello.
Distance from Lignano 81 km., about 55 minutes by car.
Zamok Koloredo di Monte Albano: odin iz samih izvestnih (tak kak kakoe-to vremya yavlyalsya rezidentsiei Ippolito Nievo) i horosho sohranivshihsya (do zemletreseniya, sluchivshegosya v 1976 godu) na territorii Friuli. Do zemletryaseniya vo vnutrennei chasti zamka nahodilas velikolepnaya i moshnaya chasovaya bashnya, okruzhyonnaya zepochkoi zdanii, sozdannih v 5-om stoletii. Posle zemletryaseniya bili otrestavrirovanni bashnya i ee zapadnoe krilo, v to vremya kak levoe krilo vsyo eshyo v razrushennom sostoyanii. Otrestavrirovana takzhe nebolshaya chast fresok, vipolnennih Giovanni iz Udini, znamenitim hudozhnikom i dekoratorom, uchenikom Rafaelya.
Nahoditsya v 81 km ot Lignano, 55 minut puteschestviya na mashine.