AdriaticoWeb in collaborazione con Agenzia Lignano

Symposium of Sculpture 2007

Every year, at beginning of the summer season, it will take place in the ''Parco del Mare'' the Symposium of Sculpture. We are already at the 7th meeting and also this year are present three sculptors, who in two weeks reveal the art and the technique necessary in order to sculpture the stone and to get a work. One of the characteristic of the Symposium is that the realized sculptures will remain for ever, where they have been carved, under the pines in the ''Parco del Mare'' of Lignano Pineta.
For the edition 2007 the sculptors at work where: Pablo Augusto Garelli from Buenos Aires ARGENTINA, Tobel from Munich GERMANY and Ramos Shkanelly from MEXICO.
Beginning of the works: 6th May
End and exposure of the works: 20th May 2007

Kadgdii god v nachale letnego sesona v ''Parke del Mare'' Lignano Pineti organizuetsya vistavka skulptur. V etom godu vistavka otmechaet pyatiletnii yubilei. Chtob svoyat shedevr masteram trebuetsya 2 nedeli raboti.
Unikalnost etoi vistavki v tom, chto sozdannie skulpturi ostayutsya na mestah ih sozdaniya na ''veka''.
Skulptori, kotorie tvorili dlya vistavki 2007 goda: Pablo Augusto Garelli IZ Buenos Airesa ARGENTINA, Tobel iz Munichina GERMANIA i Ramos Shkanelly iz MEKSIKI
Nachalo rabot: 6 maya
Okonchanie rabot i ih presentazia: voskresenie 20 maya 2007

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