AdriaticoWeb in collaborazione con Agenzia Lignano

Nautilia - nautical exhibition 2005

NAUTILIA, the nautical exhibition of the used boats takes place in Marine Aprilia of Latisana (Udine) and is organized from ''Ente Fiera Cantieri di Aprilia''. The internationality as of the visitors as well of the exhibitors and the fact that it is the only Nautical Exhibition of the used boats placed on the earth, make the difference of Nautilia from all the other organized nautical exhibitions in Italy. In this way the purchasers can inspect also the hull of the boats, control the rudders, the aces propeller and the propellers, in this way avoiding additional costs for the extra launchings. The hulls that for two weeks attract attention of numerous ' ' navigators' ', or aspirants, measure from the 7 to the 20 meters, 20% of sail, 75% with engine and the remaining 5% motorsailers. It is a real ' ' display window of the used boats' ' that every year attracts about 15000 visitors and 40 national and international professional brokers. The number of concluded transactions every year is really considerable.

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