40th Celebration of the mushrooms and of the nature 14/15/16 and 21/22/23 september 2007 in Budoia PN ITALY (40^ Festa dei Funghi e dell’Ambiente)
Regional Mushrooms Expo.
Every evening, in a covered restaurant tasting mushrooms and typical plates, with great wines.
The 23 september "Marcia dei Funghi". Not competitive running manifestation of 6, 12 and 25 km. The Event takes place every year on the 2nd and 3rd weekend of september.
We’ll wait for all of you next year from the 12th to the 14th and from the 21th to the 23rd of september 2008.
Distance from Lignano 71 km., about 55 minutes by car.
40^ festival gribov I prirodi – 14/15/16 e 21/22/23 sentyabrya 2007 goda v Budoia, Italia.
Regionalnaya Vistavka Gribov.
Kadgdii vecher v restorane Budoii prohodit digustaziya gribov, tipichnih blud i luchshego vina.
23 sentyabrya sostoyalsya “Marsh Gribov” - drudgeskii zabeg v chest prazdnika dlya vseh dgelayushih, na distanzii 6, 12 i 25 km.
Praznik provoditsya kadgdii god vo vtorie i tretii vihodnie sentyabrya. Mi dgdyom Vas i v budushem godu s 12 po 14 i s 21 po 23 sentyabrya 2008 goda!
Nahoditsya v 71 km ot Lignano, 55 minut puteschestviya na mashine.