During the manifestation "September Latisanese", took place the Concert of Anna Oxa. Sounds and lights amused the public. The appointment for next year is at the "September Latisanese 2006" Distance from Lignano 18 km., about 15 minutes by car.
Vo vremya prazdnovanya "Latizanskii Sentyabr", v Latizane krome razlichnih atrakzionov, feierwerkov, lavok so sladostyami i tipichnimi bludami regiona, a takdge mestnimi vinami, proshyol takdge Konzert Anni Axa. Ploshad Latisani bila perepolnena ludmi, predstavlenie i muzika voshitili publiku. Konzert proshyol v ochen tyoploi i drudgeskoi atmosfere! V sleduyushem godu sostoitsya "latisanskii sentyabr 2006", ne propiustite etot zamechatelnii prazdnik! Nahoditsya v 18 km ot Lignano, 15 minut puteschestviya na mashine. |